Striking is not the only thing way to end the dispute! Together with a huge collective effort we can make a massive difference and help bring a swift end to the current dispute between lecturers and Edinburgh College management.
Political pressure DOES WORK and we all have a voice!
Use the link below to find your Political Reprsentatives and get your voice heard!
Step 1: Click on the link FIND MY REPRESENTATIVES
Step 2: Enter your postcode
Step 3: Click on name of the MSP
Step 4: Type your message asking the MSP to pressure the college management to meet with EIS-FELA reps and resolve the issue so you can get back to your studies / work ASAP.
Step 5: Fill in your details and send
Step 6: Check your email and confirm. (if you do not do this the message will not be sent)
Step 7: Repeat stages 1-6 for each of the MSPs, MPs and Councillors who represent your constituency.
Please note you can write to both your home constituency MSPs, MPs and councilors and those who represent the 4 constituencies covering the four college campuses.